We are excited to be sponsoring E-Riders Search for a Dressage Star!

Wholesale Packages available

Are you a Pony Club Branch or Centre, or a Riding School or Livery Yard? Perhaps a group of parents who would like to order a bulk delivery of our Pony Club approved learning colouring books.

Or you would like to stock our books in your retail store or on online shop...

Our books are available at 60% of the RRP price (excluding delivery)!

Purchase either or both of our Pony Club approved colouring books at wholesale prices (saving 40%).

  • Minimum 20 per order (maxium 980 per order)
  • One delivery address per order
  • Delivery direct from the printers within 7-10 days.

Pony Creative Learning (Teal book)

Suitable for ages 8 years + (approx)

This learning book includes:
Breeds, Measuring & Sizing, Colours & Markings, Tack & Bits, Rugs & Sheets, Clips, Boots & Bandages, The Yard, Yard & Stable Equipment, Ground Work, Your Ponies Health, Grooming kit, The Stable Kept Pony, Bedding & Mucking Out, The Field Kept Pony, Grazing, Life Cycle of Worms, Poisonous Plants, Feed, Points of the Horse, The Foot & Shoeing, Points of the Skeleton, Riding Equipment, Correct Riding Position, Road Safety, Gaits, Dressage, Dressage Markers, Showjumping, Travelling with your Pony...Plus design your own show jumps, Hat Silks, Rosettes and Matchy Matchy!

Also includes with our new 2nd edition: Native Breeds, Healthy Pony, How to feed your Pony a Treat, Rosette Colours, Pony Club Mini Achievement Badge Check List and Pony Club Tests & Felt Colours. Extra colouring pages for Markings and Colours.

Also included are fun facts, glossary of terms, notebook pages and useful contacts and references.

Pony Creative Colouring Book, Journal & Notebook (Blue)

Suitable for ages 4+

This learning book includes:
Colours, head markings, leg markings, points of the horse, skeleton, teeth, head, foot, leg, tack, riding equipment, correct riding position, design you own hat silk, design your perfect rosette, fun facts, grooming kit, glossary of terms, riding log, competition log, notes section, scrap book pages.

Also includes with our new 2nd edition: Healthy Pony, How to feed your Pony a Treat, Feed, Pony Club Mini Achievement Badge Check List and Pony Club Tests & Felt Colours. Extra colouring pages for Markings and Colours.

Get creative, get inspired, get colouring!

  • Pony Creative Colouring Book, Journal & Notebook (Blue) RRP £9.95 each wholesale price £5.95 each
  • Pony Creative Learning (Teal book) RRP £12.95 each - wholesale price £7.75 each

Maximum £2.95 delivery charge applies per order (United Kingdom ONLY).

For those outside of the United kingdom, please contact us directly for delivery charges and details.